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Saturday, April 6, 2013

barkley shoes Building Link Popularity For Any Work At Home Via Internet Web Site

The search engine has to determine, which is better for their users as they perform the search barkley shoes.Now if the search engines know nothing else than links, they are able to see how many other web site links to each of these pages.

Now your site has one hundred links on other sites pointing into your page while the other page has zero links pointing in barkley shoes. It would make sense that the search engines would use this information to provide the more relevant page to the one which is more popular on the net, your site which has one hundred other sites recommending it as a resource to their readers.

This is why link popularity becomes important for the pages of any work at home via Internet web site barkley shoes. Now we can look a bit deeper at link popularity and how the search engines use it.

Let us now say that both pages each has one hundred links pointing into the page barkley shoes. Your site now has one hundred links all from sites about German Shepard's and dog training sites while the other site has one hundred links from unrelated directories, blogs and sites about off the topic subject matter such as video games.

Which site would get more respect and rank better in the search engines Your site because the links pointing in is all coming from other related and relevant sites on the same subject matter. And to go on one step further what if your page only had the one link pointing into it whiles the other site had the ten links. Your link, however, comes from the single most relevant, highest quality authority site on training German Shepard's while the other page has the ten links from poor directories.